Delver 16 - Fantasy RPG Resources for GMs and Players
A bi-monthly (six issues per year) magazine for Old-School Essentials and similar OSR fantasy RPG games. Each issue contains one ready-to-run adventure with maps and printable prop(s) PLUS numerous random tables and charts.
Print & PDF Option - A complimentary PDF/digital copy of the issue will be sent via to the email address matching this order.
Product Details:
32 pages
Cover/Back Cover - Color
Inside Cover/Inside Back Cover - Color
5.5 inches wide x 8.5 inches tall
6 ounces
Table of Contents for Issue #16
----- Random Charts & Tables -----
(Each of the listings below is a page of random charts/tables)
The Sinister Coast
Dolbin's Scrolls
Locales of Lantern's Reach
Agnaddob's Artifact Emporium
Giffin Claw Auction House
Tomes of Obsidian Pages
Locales of Lantern's Reach
----- Article -----
The Referee Roundtable - "The Room Appears Empty"
----- Adventure -----
Unwise Council