The Guild Collections: Guild Adventures Volumes 1 and 2


The Guild Collections: Guild Adventures contains 9 adventures across two volumes PLUS an article on adventure creation with a new (and free) tool and an example of its use. Each adventure comes with maps, room descriptions, new creatures, new magic items, and more. All the adventures are rules generic and can be used as drop-in adventures for any game or campaign. (Names and levels for each adventure are below.)

Guild Adventures is one of five books in The Guild Collections - the other books are Searchers Relics, Delver Society Scrolls, and Obsidian Pages Tomes.

The Guild Collections consists of five zine-sized resources for players of OSR games such as Old-School Essentials, OSRIC, Wizards & Sorcery, and more.

Print & PDF Option - A complimentary PDF/digital copy of each issue will be sent via to the email address matching this order.

Product Details:

Volume 1

64 pages
Cover/Back Cover - Color
Inside Cover/Inside Back Cover - Color
44 Black-and-White Pages
5.5 inches wide x 8.5 inches tall

Adventures for Volume 1:
Six Coins (Level 1)
The Honored Dead (Level 2)
Dark Tomb (Level 3)
Slow Burn (Level 4)
Family Secret (Level 5)
Sickness (Level 6)

Volume 2

60 pages
Cover/Back Cover - Color
Inside Cover/Inside Back Cover - Color
44 Black-and-White Pages
5.5 inches wide x 8.5 inches tall

Adventures for Volume 2:
Valiant Four (Level 7)
Testing Grounds (Levels 7-8)
Tiq's Mystic Vault (Levels 8-9)
Hidden Menace (Levels 8-9)
The Lost Box (Levels 8-9)
A New Tool (article)
Volume 2

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